Created in 2001 by Laurent Messarra, architect with a passion for traveling and sailing, organizes Cabin Charter and private Sailing Cruises on Monohulls or Catamarans. Each yacht with a capacity of 10 to 12 people including the Captain can sail alone or in a flotilla.
It's a true off the beaten track vacation where you can Sail, Relax, Discover places, remote villages, natural reserves & islands, taste delicious traditional cuisine, learn sailing and life on board, Swim in Turquoise waters with Dolphins and Giant sea Turtles, enjoy water sports and SUP, Snorkel, Dive, Fish, Meet and live with cosmopolitan like-minded People and make new friends, enjoy nightlife either on board under the silent stars or party in lively tavernas, sleep aboard in wild bays, charming small old harbors or in cool marinas, forget the hectic city life, cars & traffic... Go back to nature, healthy lifestyle & simple pleasures… Discover yourself!
People traveling Alone, with a companion, with friends or family, are all welcome. From 6 months old babies to 85 years old adventurers, each crew member is a source of inspiration! Whether you like adventure, want to learn and participate in the sailing maneuvers or you simply want to relax and enjoy the trip, sharing the sailboat with like-minded people and meeting new friends from different nationalities… you will love our cruises.
Solo & Friends - Families - Couples & Honeymooners